Far, Far Away Theatre Logo

Far, Far Away Theatre Logo

far far away theatre

In a far away land of snowy mountains, deep, dark, forests, and gigantic castles, the "Famous Five;" Little Jack Horner, Little Bo Peep, Little Miss Muffett, Little Tommy Tucker & Little Polly Flinders, are getting ready for Christmas with Mother Goose in their Book house.
The trouble is, they're all getting a bit bored of sitting in corners, looking after sheep, running from spiders, singing for their supper & putting the kettle on!
They want a life of excitement and adventure, and if that means battling big bad wolves and a giant, so be it!
Join our unlikeliest of heroes on their mission to save a magical Goose and make it back home to the book in time for Christmas!
With a host of fairytale characters loved by kids of all ages "Mother Goose's Golden Christmas" is a family musical like no other. It's the perfect way to start your festive season!
Click here to read a review of Mother Goose's Golden Christmas.